We don't know who we don't know
There's no question the property development industry is well connected. But none of us know everyone and we often need an industry specialist to help with a site feasibility, funding or even to facilitate a JV deal.
Any development project requires a team and that's where DevOp3 can help.
We are not only here to assist you to Search, Assess and Transact the most appropriate development sites that work for you, but to also connect you - to get you in front of the most suited businesses and people in the industry.
Simply fill in the Industry Intro form in your StockList +Plus members portal and we will match your needs to the right individual and business. If they aren't on our database already, we'll find them for you.
Note: Available only to our StockList +Plus members only. Upgrade or join today
Learn more about our key industry segments and introductions for these below - Development Funding, Contractors, Town Planners, Architects, Development Managers, Project Managers, and more.

Development Funding
Perhaps the most fundamental aspect of successful development prior to, and certainly after securing a Site, is its funding. Our experience is that the best financiers today are the ones that truly understand the development process, from start to finish - with all its challenges and risks, but also its upside.
Funding introductions are available for:
Acquisition funding for developers for site properties across Australia
Construction funding for apartments, townhouses, subdivisions, commercial and industrial developments in all States & Territories
Refinance facilities for any of the above, including residual stock funding
Provision of mezzanine, second mortgage, preferred equity, pure equity and joint venture arrangements to suit clients’ needs for a project
General commercial funding for property sites
Sources of funding include:
Mortgage and property trusts
General private lenders and investors (debt and/or equity)
Naturally, pricing and costs depend upon size and strength of the deal and this will be discussed accordingly.
Whether it be a Civil Contractor or Building Contractor you’re looking for, DevOp3 can certainly assist. We have an extensive database of Contractors (big and small) that are happy to work with you to make the numbers work before you commit!
If you’re looking for a D&C arrangement, or a simple, traditional fully-tendered / Lump Sum solution, we can connect you into whatever arrangement you are comfortable with. Most of our network are willing to help build-up realistic cost budgets and guide you during the design development / feasibility stages of your project.
Some may even JV with you if the deal is right.
Town Planners
A well-versed day Town Planner is a fundamental part of a financially successful development; often the difference between a development site that stacks up or doesn’t. Having a forward-thinking Town Planner is able to provide reliable advice in the early phases of the Due Diligence process; help confirm various assumptions and inputs into your feasibility; as well as provide alternative solutions.
Let us help match your requirements with you.
Architects, Development Managers, Project Managers, and more
Architects that are responsive to the commercial challenges of making Sites work are an essential ingredient when assembling a cohesive and goal-driven Team.
Finding a balance between a desired aesthetic, functionality and constructability is a constant challenge. Having your Architect, and other members of your Team including a Development Manager, that can help run a continual value-management process more often than not will ensure the success of your project from concept-to-completion.
We have a good cross-section of these consultants from which to choose from.